Teeth Whitening
If you're looking to achieve that Hollywood-worthy smile through teeth whitening, let me walk you through our process. Here at the office, we take digital impressions of your teeth, and then we print your models within the office. These little take-home trays are then fabricated, and when you return to the office, we ensure the trays fit correctly.
The most important part, or maybe I should say, where most people go wrong when whitening their teeth, is that they whiten for way too long, causing transient sensitivity. So, if you're watching this video and thinking, "Geez, my teeth are sensitive, I've been whitening my teeth for just one night," relax; it will calm down and get better. Here at our office, we recommend approaching teeth whitening like you would a tanning bed. Now, hopefully, no one goes to a tanning bed here, but if you do or have ever been to one, spending 45 minutes during your first session is just asking for trouble, much like whitening your teeth. We suggest starting with about a 20 to 25-minute trial for your first session, whether it's during the day or night. Do not leave it on beyond that time because we want you to ease into it slowly. As you find that you're not experiencing sensitivity, you can gradually increase the duration, but it's not quite like tanning at that point. Aim for around 45 minutes as the maximum wear time, maybe an hour.
If you have more questions about this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out, as it's a common concern among patients.
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About Vernon Dental Centre
The Vernon Dental Centre in Vernon, B.C., is a family-oriented dental practice for all ages. Using advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology, our dedicated team offers cosmetic, restorative, and preventative dentistry in a friendly and caring environment.
Family Dentist Dr. Anthony Berdan’s focus is on excellence and comfort to provide you and your family with the care you deserve.  We offer all aspects of general dentistry, from general dental needs to cosmetic restorations and smile whitening. Dr. Berdan welcomes your entire family; from children to the elderly. Here at the Vernon Dental Centre, we are dedicated to treating everyone the way that we would want to be treated.