New Patient Video Series

"What Should I Do If I Have A Dry Mouth?"

Dry Mouth - What To Do

The significant issue with having a dry mouth is the fact that saliva is no longer performing its intended function. Why? Because there's less of it.


As an aging population, we all experience this when we have to start taking different medications for our health. One of the primary side effects of medications is drying out our mouths. When saliva is no longer present in sufficient quantities, we often witness a significant increase in cavities in our teeth. This can also be related to conditions like Sjogren's syndrome, which includes dry eyes and dry mouth.

If you're experiencing this, it's advisable to discuss it with your GP. If you have more questions about this topic and its treatments, please don't hesitate to contact our office.

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From Our New Patient Video Series

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Why Do Dentists Recommend Night Guards?

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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses teeth whitening

What’s There To Know About Tooth Whitening?

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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses periodontal disease.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is something that really needs to be diagnosed and treated very carefully and very precisely. At your new patient exam, we'll be looking at the gums and bone support around your teeth to identify if you do have periodontal disease or not.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses lip trapping in kids

What Is Lip Trapping In Kids?

Lip trapping; this is something that's really important to keep an eye out for with your children. It's not something that is going be really common, but when we see it, it's important for us to put our finger on it...
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What Is A Veneer And Why Would I Get One Instead Of A Crown?

Veneers are a hot topic in cosmetic dentistry today. One of the things that's often misunderstood about veneers is precisely what they are. In comparison, veneers share some similarities with crowns but represent a more conservative approach.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses what a dental crown is when you would need one

What Is A Crown And Do I Need One?

If you've been told you need a crown, I'm going to explain it a little further. In the video, I provide a drawing of the tooth, looking down from the biting surface and from the side.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses bridges.

What Is A Bridge And Do I Need One?

If you've been told you need a bridge, this video will hopefully clear up some of the confusion, if there is any, around that diagnosis. Usually, someone has recommended a bridge when you have a single missing tooth somewhere in your mouth...
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses what it means when the dentist says there's a "watch" on your tooth

What Does It Mean When My Dentist Says There’s A “Watch” On My Tooth?

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What Actually Is A Cavity?

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Dr. Anthony Berdan from the Vernon Dental Centre discusses baby teeth and space maintainers

Space Maintainers: “Can’t You Just Pull It?”

"Can't we just pull it?" is a question we often hear from parents when discussing baby teeth. While we can usually extract baby teeth, there's an important consideration to keep in mind
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses Sonicare Toothbrushes

Sonicare Electric Toothbrushes

If you've ever met me, you know that my favorite electric toothbrush is the Sonicare toothbrush. There are essentially two options when it comes to the best electric toothbrushes: rotary brushes and ultrasonic brushes.On every tooth, there is a layer of enamel that's approximately one and a half to two millimeters thick...
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from the Vernon Dental Centre discusses mouth guards

Should I Get A Mouth Guard?

Why would anybody want a mouth guard or need a mouth guard? Essentially, when you're playing a contact sport, the purpose of a mouth guard is to prevent your teeth from coming together forcefully during body contact.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from the Vernon Dental Centre explains the different parking options available to patients

Parking At The Vernon Dental Centre

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My Child Has A Cross Bite! What Should I Do?

Oftentimes, what we often clinically observe when young people come into the office are either a crossbite or an underbite. I'll discuss them as two separate conditions. First, let's talk about an underbite.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from the Vernon Dental Centre discusses Invisalign - the clear alternative to braces

Invisalign: The Clear Alternative To Conventional Braces

Invisalign is one of my favorite topics because I love the Invisalign product. I can't do this product justice in a 30-second video, but I'll give you a quick Coles Notes version.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from the Vernon Dental Centre discusses dentures and partial dentures

I’m Thinking About Dentures Or Partial Dentures. What Should I Know?

When it comes to dentures and partial dentures, we collaborate closely with local denturists to ensure you receive a high-quality product. Sometimes, patients come to us, and we need to remove their teeth to prepare them for dentures.
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from Vernon Dental Centre discusses tooth extractions

I Need A Tooth Out, What Should I Know!?

What does it mean when your dentist says, "we're going to watch that" during your appointment? What exactly are we watching? On every tooth, there is a layer of enamel that's approximately one and a half to two millimeters thick...
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Dental Implants; What Are They All About?

If you've been told that you need a dental implant, you probably have all sorts of questions surrounding it. Hopefully, this video can clear up a few of those questions regarding dental implants in Vernon, B.C.
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DENTAL ANXIETY: What Are My Options For Sedation?

If you've ever experienced dental anxiety, sedation is something that may interest you. In our office, we offer two different modalities of sedation. One option we have is nitrous oxide...
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Dr. Anthony Berdan from the Vernon Dental Centre discusses thumb sucking and kid's dentistry

“My Child Sucks Their Thumb, Is That Bad?”

So, what's the big deal about thumb sucking? Thumb sucking itself isn't a significant problem, but the issue it creates by altering the shape of the mouth is why dentists always encourage parents to help their little ones at home stop thumb sucking.
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About Vernon Dental Centre

The Vernon Dental Centre in Vernon, B.C., is a family-oriented dental practice for all ages. Using advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology, our dedicated team offers cosmetic, restorative, and preventative dentistry in a friendly and caring environment.

Family Dentist Dr. Anthony Berdan’s focus is on excellence and comfort to provide you and your family with the care you deserve.  We offer all aspects of general dentistry, from general dental needs to cosmetic restorations and smile whitening. Dr. Berdan welcomes your entire family; from children to the elderly. Here at the Vernon Dental Centre, we are dedicated to treating everyone the way that we would want to be treated.

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Vernon Dental Centre
#201, 3200 30th Avenue
Vernon, BC, Canada
V1T 2C5

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Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
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