Our Dental Insurance Policy Vernon Dental Centre

Our Dental Insurance Policy Vernon Dental Centre

DO YOU USE YOUR DENTAL INSURANCE BENEFITS WHEN YOU COME TO OUR OFFICE? If so, please read on to find out about an important change in how your Payment will be processed by our office starting october 1, 2021

What Is Changing?

Right now, as a service to you, we accept assignment of dental insurance benefits. What this means is that, on your behalf and at your authorization, we request that the insurer pay us directly for the portion of the treatment costs covered by your insurance plan. Currently, when you receive treatment at our office, you pay us the portion (if any) of the fees not covered by your insurance
plan, and we obtain reimbursement from your insurer for the covered portion.

We have decided to stop accepting assignment of benefits from our insured

What Does This Change Mean For You?

Starting on October 1, 2021, when you receive treatment at our office, you will
be responsible for paying the full fee for that treatment at the time of the appointment (except when prior arrangements have been made). We will still prepare and submit relevant insurance claims forms on your behalf and submit preauthorizations for major work. You will then receive reimbursement directly from your insurer for any fees covered by your insurance plan (you are likely able to set up direct deposit with your insurer).

Insurance companies typically provide reimbursement anywhere between 1-7
business days. Our fees are not changing, and our decision does not affect your dental coverage (which is determined by your insurer). You can still pay us in your chosen method. The only difference is that you will pay us the full
treatment fee at the time of your appointment and receive reimbursement
directly from your insurer following the appointment for whatever they cover.

That’s it.

Why Are We Implementing These Changes?

To be able to serve you better.

We are committed to patient-centered care, not insurance-centered care. Less time dealing with assignment of benefits means we can spend more time with you at the front desk and on the phone.

We cannot properly and effectively deal with your insurer for you.

We do not have any kind of direct relationship with any of our patients’ insurance companies. In fact, privacy laws are now so restrictive that we can’t even discuss or share any kind of patient information with insurers (nor them with us).

To increase availability of our receptionist

Our front-desk employees find themselves busier and busier with administrative tasks related to assignment of benefits and COVID 19 protocols. This will effectively free up their time to serve you better.

Questions Or Concerns? As always, Dr. Berdan and Dr. Sheasby are happy to discuss with you. Phone or email our front desk and we can connect you with them.

Questions Or Concerns? As always, Dr. Berdan and Dr. Sheasby are happy to  discuss with you. Phone or email our front desk and we can connect you with them.

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